Our students have made remarkable achievements in their JC Economics & IB Economics exams, and we are extremely proud of them. The duration of their Economics tuition with EconsLab is shown in the brackets.

Considering that 88% of our students in this cohort have been consistently doing badly in Economics by obtaining either a U or S grade prior to starting tuition at EconsLab, Ms Foo is definitely proud of her students’ remarkable improvement and achievement!

Here is the performance breakdown for EconsLab’s 2024 GCE A Level Economics graduates:

  • As & Bs: 52%

  • Students who achieved 4 to 6-grades improvement (from U,S or E grade to A or B): 72%

  • Students who achieved at least 3-grades improvement: 94%

  • Students who achieved at least 2-grades improvement: 100%

*Figures excludes private candidates.

Duration of tuition attended by our students:

  • Students who achieved at least 4-grades improvement (e.g. from U to A ; from U to C): 71% (at least 6 months of tuition) vs 29% (3 to 6 months of tuition)

  • Students who achieved at least 3-grades improvement (e.g. from U to D ; from E to B): 72% (at least 6 months of tuition) vs 28% (3 to 6 months of tuition)

  • Students who achieved at least 2-grades improvement (e.g. from U to E ; from E to C): 74% (at least 6 months of tuition) vs 26% (3 to 6 months of tuition)

  • Students who achieved at least 3-grades improvement (lesser than 4 months of tuition): 16%

  • Students who achieved at least 3-grades improvement (at least 4 months of tuition): 83%

Heartiest congratulations to our IB students who took the 2024 HL/SL Economics exam!

Our IB students achieved excellent results - with 83% of our students achieving the perfect grade 7 and 6! Out of which 40% of the students scored perfect 7 while 60% scored 6.

As much as Ms Foo has been branded as a turnaround specialist with excellent track record, joining our tuition earlier definitely helps to relieve students of unnecessary stress and even secure a higher chance of achieving greater improvement in their grades.

A big congrats once again to our accomplished graduates! Well done!


Jessica Tan, RI
U to A (3 months)

Megan Wong, NJC
U to B (13 months)

Charis Lam, RI
U to B (7 months)

Kelvin Huang, DHS
U to B (7 months)

Justin Loke, NYJC
S to C (10 months)

Jareth Tay, ASRJC
U to C (11 months)

Kueh Xuan, TMJC
U to D (16 months)

Jolie Ho, Private Candidate
D (4 months)

Jason Edward Sjarif, DHS
A (2 years)

Malcolm Tan, CJC
S to A (10 months)

Kristen Ng, EJC
C to B (10 months)

Myrna, ASRJC
S to B (3.5 months)

Adrianna Bte Irmady, YIJC
S to C (1.5 years)

Claire Tan, CJC
U to C (3.5 months)

Samuel Neo, DHS
C (4 months)

Kangelis Lee, HCI
C (13 months)

Rakesh, Private Candidate
D (6 months)

Sebastini Faith, CJC
U to E (6 months)

Sabrina Koh, YIJC
S to E (6 months)

Tan Shih Yi, HCI
C to A (8 months)

Melody Khoo, TMJC
U to A (6 months)

Jynice Chua, EJC
U to A (1.5 years)

Liang Jing Yu, YIJC
U to A (3.5 months)

Ariel Lim, SAJC
C to A (10 months)

Luo Jun Yong, DHS
U to B (8 months)

Amberlie Chng, ACJC
S to B (10 months)

Rachel Lee, YIJC
U to B (8 months)

Evan Chew, SAJC
U to B (10 months)

Shana Lim, CJC
E to C (4 months)

Rukhsana Wahid, JPJC
U to C (5 months)

Therese Ong, YIJC
U to C (10 months)

Germaine Hor, TJC
U to C (2 years)

Huang Yuting, HCI
S to A (8 months)

Jolena Lim, EJC
D to A (8 months)

Verity Ling, ACJC
U to A (8 months)

Jostedal Lau, RI
A (5 months)

Zhang Yuxuan, Private candidate
B (7 months)

Marcel Goh, HCI
E to B (5 months)

Harry Yee, NJC
U to A (7 months)

Joyce Chow, HCI
C to A (3.5 months)

Shristi Pai, ACJC
S to B (9 months)

Marcus Tan, ACJC
U to B (7 months)

Irvin Chow, CJC
U to C (4 months)

Eunice Chan, NJC
D to B (3 months)

Sahithi, YIJC
S to E (8 months)

Ernest Quek, CJC
U to D (1 year)

Swarna, RI
E to A (8 months)

Tan Yuanyu, NYJC
S to A (7 months)

Wang Yitong, RI
A (2 years)

Lim Yuehan, NYJC
C to A (3 months)

Lim Chengjun, TMJC
E to B (2 months)

Tharun, RI
U to B (5 months)

Shruti Joel, TMJC
U to B (3 months)

Zenn Leong, RVHS
S to C (3.5 months)

Winston Loo, ACJC
C (1.5 years)

William Rachmadi, CJC
A (2 years)

Sanofer, VJC
U to A (1.5 months)

Loo Xinli, ACJC
U to B (2 months)

Tan Shyan Yun, NYJC
U to B (10 months)

Dave Teng, SAJC
U to C (1 month)

Yong Ming, TJC
U to C (1 month)

Antonio, ACJC
U to C (1 month)

Fan Yiheng, HCI
S to A (9 months)

Justin Ng, PJC
U to A (2 months)

Chong Wei Jun, ACJC
E to C (3 months)

Kimberly Ng, TJC
B (2 years)

Edwin Chan, MJC
E to B (8 months)

Ian Tan, RI
C to A (6 months)

Manvindar Kaur, NJC
S to A (4 months)

Valerie Ong, Private Candidate
D to B (4 months)

Adeline Andikko, HCI
A (2 years)

Jesher Chua, VJC
E to A (4 months)

Yong Hui Yi, YJC
U to C (4 months)

Ho Kar Yern, HCI
U to B (6 months)

Jasmine Kuah, RVHS
U to A (4 months)

Andrew Phua, HCI
U to B (2 months)

Amanda Lee, AJC
A (2 years)

Chen Chin Yi, DHS
E to B (4 months)

David Lim, IJC
U to A (12 months)

Sim Wan Zhen, IJC
U to A (6 months)

Goh Wei Ying, RI
D to A (8 months)

Goh Si Hui, SAJC
A (2 years)

Neoh Tse Pin, MJC
D to A (6 months)

Chen Chin Jieh, HCI
U to A (3 months)

Valerie Ngieng, TJC
E to B (9 months)

Andrew Yap, RI
S to A (6 months)

Nakhu Kannambal, AJC
B (2 years)

Nicole Soh, CJC
D to A (5 months)

Sherlyn Seah, TJC
S to B (8 months)

Yang Sin Yee, RI
C to A (1 year)

Anselm Soh, CJC
E to A (3 months)

Ong Yi Lin, MJC
U to B (5 months)

Chen Chin Liang, HCI
U to A (3 months)

Lerh Hui Jeang, IJC
U to C (6 months)

Aileen Supriyadi, RI
E to A (8 months)

Florence Leung, DHS
U to A (4 months)

Tian Yu, CJC
S to B (2 months)

Sonia Kurien, IJC
U to A (1 year)

Vivienne Lim, TPJC
S to A (6 months)

Darrion Mohan, RI
E to A (18 months)

Mok Yuin Teng, RI
E to A (6 months)

Jymie Ng, IJC
S to A (1 year)

Lim Yi Lian, SRJC
S to A (9 months)

Low Yue Huan, DHS
U to A (3 months)

Yang Yi Bo, NJC
E to A (5 months)

Edison Chan, NJC
D to A (3 months)

Angelina Kee, RI
U to A (3 months)

Brayden Chng, DHS
U to B (10 months)

Thong Kah Yarn, NJC
U to B (8 months)

Chia Zi Han, CJC
U to C (10 months)

Matthias Phua, SAJC
U to C (6 months)

Sim Wee An, TMJC
U to E (17 months)

Thanuja, RI
D to A (3 months)

Raeanne Tan, RI
D to B (3 months)

Jeanelle Wong, NYJC
E to B (3.5 months)

Rachel Lee, YIJC
U to C (15 months)

Ong Min Ni, YIJC
E to C (6 months)

Natalie Quah, YIJC
C (2 years)

Athul, YIJC
U to D (6 months)

Chan Yan Hui, CJC
U to D (3.5 months)

Chai Thong Han, YIJC
U to E (8 months)

Jolynn Oh, Private Candidate
E (2.5 months)

Ong Jing Mei, Private Candidate
E (4 months)

Arienne Chua, RI
A (2 years)

Cedric Koh, NYJC
E to A (1.5 years)

Kor Xuan, DHS
U to A (3 months)

Tan Boon Leong, DHS
U to A (3 months)

Taniska Singh, RI
S to B (10 months)

Marius Ong Zi Yi, NJC
U to B (8 months)

Lao En Xing, RI
C to B (6 months)

Elliot Heng, YIJC
U to B (6 months)

Alya Afiqah, PJJC
U to B (9 months)

Ryan Lim, SAJC
U to C (10 months)

Khew Tung Chuan, RI
U to C (11 months)

Koh Yong De, CJC
U to C (7 months)

Myat Min Khant, YIJC
U to C (13 months)

Aqmar, ASRJC
U to D (8 months)

Chong Xu Wen, CJC
S to D (8 months)

Lim En Shian, HCI
S to A (9 months)

Huang Yuting, HCI
S to A (8 months)

Rachel Ng, ACJC
U to A (3 months)

Jordan Tan, RI
D to A (7 months)

Damien Lim, RI
C to A (10 months)

Abriale Goh, VJC
E to A (9 months)

Tammy Eng, NJC
S to B (9.5 months)

Zachary Chua, TMJC
S to B (3.5 months)

Winston Zhao, NYJC
U to B (9 months)

Tan Eng Yi, CJC
U to B (8 months)

Marilyn Chua, ASRJC
D to B (3 months)

Shefali, YIJC
S to C (8 months)

Celia Kok, Private Candidate
E to C (8 months)

Cheryl Vincent, VJC
U to D (7 months)

Harpreet, CJC
S to A (10 months)

Jerry You, RVHS
E to A (5 months)

Mao Yuxuan, RVHS
S to B (3 months)

Alyssa Tong, EJC
E to B (6 months)

Keerth, YIJC
U to C (9 months)

Josita, VJC
U to A (5 months)

Kok Yingxin
U to C (8.5 months)

Sarah Chong, NJC
B (2 years)

Kelly Png, RI
U to B (1.5 years)

Cody Tjoe, TMJC
U to B (2 years)

Lim Enjie, NYJC
U to B (10 months)

Zenia Yap, SAJC
U to C (10 months)

Nicholas Yeo, SAJC
U to C (10 months)

Zeta Chua, SAJC
U to B (5 months)

Tan Kuan Chien, TJC
S to B (6 months)

Jeremy Lye, TPJC
A (2 years)

Kok Jen Yee
U to B (6 months)

Monika, RI
U to B (10 months)

Thiam Jia Hui, NJC
C to A (2 months)

Xiao Yifeng, TJC
D to A (4 months)

Huang Yan Hui, TJC
U to C (7 months)

Jessica Ong, RI
A (2 years)

Seet Xiuli, TJC
S to C (1 year)

Ryan Lim, NJC
U to A (3 months)

Yeong Qian Hui, HCI
U to A (8 months)

Susan Qin Shu Shen, RI
S to A (3 months)

Ishmael, VJC
S to A (4 months)

Jed Lim, SAJC
S to C (1 year)

Ong Hui Wen, IJC
E to B (9 months)

Gan Jia Lerk, SAJC
S to B (5 months)

Geraldine Ng, ACJC
U to B (1 year)

Jerald Tan, VJC
U to D (4 months)

Nadelyn Chua, NYJC
S to A (8 months)

Seow Yin Yi, RI
E to A (4 months)

Tan Zhen Yan, SAJC
D to A (10 months)

Arthur Tan, HCI
U to A (10 months)

Aldwin Andikko, TJC
A (2 years)

Li Ying, Private Candidate
S to B (8 months)

Alan Teo, RI
E to A (9 months)

Ong Wei Lun, MJC
U to B (10 months)

Sim Bing Yang, RI
E to A (7 months)

Georgia Tam, SRJC
S to A (4 months)

Ong Xin Zhu, YJC
U to A (11 months)

Tay Yu Hong, RI
E to B (3 months)

Calvin Kwek, NYJC
S to A (4 months)

Evalin Tan, VJC
S to A (1 year)

Elenna Amin, TJC
E to A (6 months)

Jennifer Teo, RI
S to A (3 months)

Ho Ning Li, DHS
S to B (3 months)

Lim Wei Zhen, RI
U to A (18 months)

Sherry Seah, TJC
S to A (10 months)

Lu Si Ying, DHS
U to C (3 months)

Chan De Quan, HCI
E to A (1 year)

Gabriel Tan, TJC
S to A (6 months)

Faraday Tan, AJC
E to A (8 months)

Jade Tan, RI
C to A (1 year)

Sandra Tan, RI
A (2 years)

Charmaine Wee, AJC
A (2 years)

Anthea Seit, RI
S to A (1 year)

Tan Shih Han, EJC
A (10 months)

Loke Keifer, Private Candidate
A (4 months)

Sim Wee En, TMJC
U to B (17 months)

Valerie Tan, EJC
U to C (10 months)

Gu Jia Qi, RI
U to C (3 months)

Leaw Qing Heng, EJC
U to D (11 months)

Wong Feng Yi, Private Candidate
D (6 months)

Muhammad Faizan, RI
S to A (3.5 months)

Joia Lim, EJC
U to B (13 months)

Guru, Private Candidate
E to B (7.5 months)

Mikael Taib, RI
C to B (10 months)

Sophie Cloue, HCI
C (2 years)

Aw Jun Wey, TJC
E to C (3 months)

Edmund Lauw, Private Candidate
E to C (10 months)

Stella Cheng, DHS
U to D (10 months)

Fan Kuan, Private Candidate
D (2.5 months)

Xavier Lim, YIJC
U to E (10 months)

Dora Toh, NJC
U to E (3.5 months)

Trisha Rai, NJC
E to A (4 months)

Claire Chia, NYJC
S to A (8 months)

Chong Weng Kee, HCI
A (2 years)

Yuven Raaj, YIJC
S to A (3 months)

Khairil, Private Candidate
B (9 months)

Ramesh Radusan, Private Candidate
B (8 months)

Angeline Leonardo, Private Candidate
C (8 months)

Lee Wei Long, Private Candidate
C (7 months)

Esther Leong, Private Candidate
C (7 months)

Erika Iishiba, DHS
U to C (9 months)

Elijah-John Nazar, YIJC
U to C (6 months)

Ashley Chew, EJC
S to C (12 months)

Naziiha, YIJC
U to E (9 months)

Liaw Ann Zhen, ACJC
U to A (7 months)

Keith Tan, RI
U to A (5.5 months)

Lu Wenjia, HCI
E to B (8 months)

Amrita, SAJC
D to B (6 months)

Janna Wong, RI
U to A (4 months)

Lee Jung Woo, DHS
E to A (1.5 years)

Augustin Chua, EJC
D to B (8 months)

Zhang Yinuo, RVHS
U to B (3.5 months)

Shalyn Kee, ACJC
S to C (8 months)

Ruth The, CJC
S to C (3.5 months)

Iffah, RI
U to D (3 months)

Shruti, YIJC
U to E (11 months)

Gwendolyn Lye, NJC
S to D (10 months)

Karan, CJC
S to E (9 months)

Nathanael Tong, RVHS
S to A (5 months)

Cai Yixuan, RVHS
S to A (5 months)

Lincoln Yao, RVHS
S to B (5 months)

Celestine Seow, ACJC
S to A (1 year)

Quek Xiang
U to B (11 months)

Aparna, YIJC
E to C (8 months)

Zhang Yuxuan, RI
U to C (4 months)

Raphael Yee, Private Candidate
B (1.5 years)

Constance Lee, NJC
U to B (6 months)

Angela Tang, ACJC
U to B (1.5 years)

Keanu Teo, YIJC
U to B (11 months)

Clairene Tan, NYJC
U to C (10 months)

Phoebe Teo, CJC
U to C (5 months)

Faruuq, CJC
U to C (1.5 months)

Chloe Kuan, EJC
E to A (1.5 months)

Jolie Ang, RI
U to A (5 months)

Tan Yan Yi, Private Candidate
B (4 months)

Andy Andikko, HCI
A (2 years)

Clara Lim, SRJC
U to B (6 months)

Quek Yan Ching, NYJC
E to A (7 months)

Ryne Goh, TJC
S to B (10 months)

Lynette Yeo, NJC
E to B (8 months)

Xiong Jiaxi, NJC
U to C (8 months)

Divyya, RI
S to A (9 months)

Beverley Yap, NJC
D to A (9 months)

Wu Di Yuan, NYJC
U to A (6 months)

Wong Wan Ting, PJC
S to A (4 months)

Au Yeong Sok Mun, PJC
E to A (4 months)

Lee Huan Kang, VJC
E to C (4 months)

Jessica Teck, Private Candidate
A (3 months)

Lim Zi Qi, PJC
S to C (2 months)

Tan Peng Ker, MJC
E to A (8 months)

Cheryl Chui, HCI
S to A (10 months)

Bilal, JJC
U to C (10 months)

Chermaine Chio, NYJC
U to A (1.5 year)

Noreen Ng, HCI
E to A (1 year)

Ng Xin Rong, PJC
U to E (4 months)

Jonathan Chu, TPJC
S to A (11 months)

Mabel Teo, CJC
U to E (1 year)

Ng Li Xian, NJC
E to A (2 months)

Jennifer, IJC
S to D (2 weeks)

Ethanyn Lim, HCI
U to A (1 year)

Shermain Chin, RVHS
S to A (1 year)

Wan Zhi Qing, NYJC
S to A (18 months)

Sarah Tan, Private Candidate
E (7 months)

Benjamin Lim, HCI
D to A (5 months)

Ng Wen Xin, HCI
S to A (10 months)

Yang Yu Qing, Private Candidate
U to C (9 months)

Noreen Ng, HCI
E to A (18 months)

Diane Ong, ACJC
E to A (10 months)

Genevieve Ong, TJC
A (2 years)

Jessica Lim, RI
E to A (6 months)

Natalie Kuan, RI
S to A (1 year)

Cheo Jia Ying, SAJC
S to A (18 months)

Lynn Tan, MJC
U to A (5 months)

Adeline Lim, AJC
E to A (7 months)

Gan Jun Herng, RVHS
E to A (7 months)

Sherman Tay, MJC
U to A (3 months)

Sharlyn Bay, SAJC
U to A (2 months)

Rachel Ong, VJC
E to A (3 months)

Shubaashini, AJC
U to A, 4 months


IB Economics RESULTS

Talia Ann Chong, ACS (Independent)
6 (6 months)

Matthew Goie, SJI
6 (10 months)

Rayna Hon, ACS (International)
7 (1.5 years)

Kwak Joon Seong, ACS (International)
7 (3 months)

Issac Yeung, ACS (International)
6 (3.5 months)

Marisa Lee, ACS (International)
6 (2 years)

Yolia Jayanto, SOTA
6 (1.5 years)

Pang Wei Hang, ACSI
6 (2 months)

Koh Xiu Qi, HC (International)
7 (13 months)

Alissa Lee, ACS (International)
7 (2 years)

Tay Zhe Qian, SJI
7 (2.5 months)

Arthur Lee, ACSI
6 (4 months)

Kim Seung Hak, HC (International)
6 (5 months)

Leo Ee Kim, British School (Jakarta)
6 (2 years)

Madeleine Quah, HC (International)
7 (2 years)

Darren Loh, ACSI
7 (4 months)

Evangeline Foo, Singapore Sports School
7 (8 months)

Gabriel Tan, SJI
6 (8 months)

Addison Gan, SJI
6 (8 months)

Sruthi, ACSI
7 (3 months)

Zameer Saleem, HC (International)
6 (3 months)

Samantha Shum, SOTA
6 (1.5 months)

Natalie Nam, SJI
5 (8 months)

Nicholas Kenneth Ang, ACSI
6 (4 months)

Charlotte Nam, SJI
6 (8 months)

Stanislaus Low, ACSI
6 (1 year)

Jerry Chiang, ACSI
6 (1 year)


Joshua Chng, SJI
7 (1.5 years)

Miko Seah, SOTA
7 (3 months)

John Ng, ACS (Independent)
6 (7 months)

Quek Yi Ming, SJI
5 (9 months)

Ng Sue Ann, ACS (International)
7 (1.5 years)

Lucas Woon, SOTA
7 (5.5 months)

Stella Lau, SOTA
6 (5.5 months)

Jaymie Ng, Singapore Sports School
6 (4.5 months)

Jason Koh, ACSI
7 (4 months)

Koh Lin Pin, ACSI
7 (4 months)

Goh Teng Loong, SJI
7 (2 years)

Lee Jae Won, HC (International)
6 (10 months)

Tan Ming Ze, HC (International)
6 (10 months)

Henry Eng, UWCSEA
6 (8 months)

Faith Sim, ACSI
7 (2 months)

Hua Xuan Ying, ACSI
7 (2 years)

Suhas, SJI
7 (10 months)

Javier Chan, ACSI
7 (4 months)

Ryan Tan, ACSI
7 (5 months)

Audrey Lum, SOTA
6 (6 months)

Bernadette Lum, SOTA
6 (1.5 months)

Nicholas Soh, ACSI
6 (1 year)

Kong Man Sheng, ACSI
6 (9 months)

Ng Yan Kai, ACS (International)
6 (6 months)

John Kum, ACS (International)
6 (6 months)

Koay Yanze, ACS (International)
5 (6 months)

Rebecca Sandhu, ACS (International)
5 (10 months)


Ms Foo has been branded as a “Turnaround Specialist” because the majority of her students see improvement in their grades within a short span of time. However, actual results do vary due to each student’s learning ability although Ms Foo’s teaching is consistent. Hence, Ms Foo recommends that prospective students start JC Economics tuition and IB Economics tuition earlier in order to maximise their chances of securing their distinction for JC Economics and IB Economics.