Heartiest congratulations to our students who took the GCE A Level Economics exam in 2024!
Our students achieved excellent results! In fact, it is to be noted that 88% of our students in this cohort were consistently failing Economics with U or S grades prior to receiving tuition. Well done to our students - 100% of this cohort achieved at least 2-grades improvement, 94% of this cohort achieved at least 3-grades improvement, 72% achieved 4 to 6-grades improvement. We are very pleased with our students’ academic achievement.
Aside from our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo’s guidance, our students put in the effort to study and revise hence achieving the excellent result. We are very happy that our students’ effort paid off.
What do we provide to our students to help them achieve such good improvement?
✔ Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement
✔ Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill
✔ Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well
✔ Concise notes to help students with revision
As much as Ms Foo has been branded as a turnaround specialist with excellent track record, joining our tuition earlier definitely helps to relieve students of unnecessary stress and secure a higher chance of achieving greater improvement in their grades. Students who achieved at least 3-grades improvement, 83% of them attended our tuition for at least 6 months whereas 17% attended tuition between 3 to 6 months.
Take a look at what some of our graduates from our 2024 cohort said about tuition at EconsLab:
“Ms Foo is an extremely patient and approachable teacher who is dedicated to teaching and seeing her students improve. I had improved from a U grade (and many consistent fails) to an A in A Levelswithin the 3 months that I was taught by Ms Foo! Before I had enrolled into her class, I had not a single clue how to study for Economics nor what the subject was about. Ms Foo’s lessons were easy to follow and helped me gain a true understanding of the subject, through correcting my many misconceptions and equipping me with the necessary techniques to answer any Economics question. I highly recommend her lessons!!” ~ Jessica Tan, RI
“Ms Foo is a really dedicated tutor who has a profound knowledge in Economics that is on par with Cambridge standards. Her teaching made initially confusing concepts become much more interesting and logical as she would link the concepts that schools would rush through. She made Economics subject seem not as daunting and unfamiliar and also seamlessly made lessons become very fun, engaging and digestable. Ms Foo makes sure everyone is heard and would answer every student’s doubts using various types of explanations, ensuring each student grasps the content thoroughly. And her dedication does not stop at academics. She would also often offer inspiring pep talks and advice on how to study Economics. All in all, thanks to Ms Foo, my grades have soared drastically. Hence, I would definitely recommend joining EconsLab!” ~ Sim Wee En, TMJC
“Ms Foo is an amazing tutor. She is patientand able to explain concepts efficientlywhile making herlessons engaging. With her guidance, I was able to have a clearer understanding of key Economics concepts and my grades had significantly improved!” ~ Brayden Chng, DHS
“Ms Foo is a very helpful and encouraging teacher; she was very patient and accommodating and I really enjoyed her lessons. She emphasizes having the correct keywords and essay structures in her lessons which helped me very much with my understanding of Economics. During lessons, she will go through practice questions and she always encourages students to participate in coming up with the answers which I find really helped me improve. I always feel comfortable asking her for help or any questions I may have as she is very welcoming. Overall, I greatly appreciate Ms Foo’s help and support. :))” ~ Charis Lam, RI
“Ms Foo was really effective in her teaching. I remember not enjoying Economics classes when I just started my JC journey because I was always so lost during lectures and tutorials. With Ms Foo’s guidance, I not only had a better understanding of the concepts, but were also able to apply it to my assignments. She focuses on answering techniques which in my opinion really help those who wants to score well for their exams. Besides that, she also makes her class enjoyable by engaging students in multiple class discussions which really allow students to demonstrate their learning and thinking process. Overall, I have always looked forward to attending her lessons during the weekends!!” ~ Kueh Xuan, TMJC
“Ms Foo is a dedicated and caring teacher who is always giving her all to her students. She helped to clarify all the concepts from J1 and brought my grades up to an A in both Prelims and A Levels! I’m extremely grateful for the extra support through her notes, detailed explanations and willingness to answer any questions. ~ Tan Shih Han, EJC
“First off, Ms Foo is an amazing teacher. She is both inspiring and dedicated which made my Economics journey so much easier. She takes the extra mile to make sure I fully understood the concept before moving on and also motivates me to push beyond my limits. Secondly, her lessons are effective and engaging, making it incredibly easy to follow. As a strong believer in writing notes, she encourages everyone to follow what she wrote on the board to ensure that we fully grasp the concepts and jnow the important keywords to use. Thereupon, there was never once I walked out of her class feeling like I’ve learnt nothing and clueless. Third, she would go out of her way to make sure we learn from our mistakes. After every exam or test, she would help review everyone’s script, allowing us to have a more in-depth understanding of how to prevent similar mistakes from happening and how to excel. In a nutshell, joining EconsLab was the best choice I’ve made as thanks to Ms Foo, I’ve now developed a strong love for Economics which is totally opposite of what I felt back when I was in JC1 before I joined. Herein, I truly encourage you (the reader) to join as well!” ~ Sim Wee An, TMJC
“Ms Foo is a dedicated and caring teacher who is not afraid to go beyond the mile to ensure that you actually understand the concepts. She also made the lessons fun and enjoyable! Thank you Ms Foo!” ~ Tan Zhi Guang, Private Candidate
“Ms Foo is a very dedicated and kind teacher who goes the extra mile for her students. I joined Ms Foo after scoring U for Promos in J1. Under her guidance and patience, I noticed significant improvement in my Economics grades! “ ~ Leaw Qing Heng, EJC
“Tuition lesson are flexible either in person or through Zoom. The tutor heavily focuses on details related to Economics concepts making the students’ understanding more complete.” ~ Keifer Loke, Private Candidate
“Ms Foo is a very good teacher! She helped me to raise my grade from a U to a B in JC1 and I eventually got a B for A Levels!” ~ Megan Wong, NJC
“Ms Foo is a very warm and encouraging teacher. She welcomes questions and carefully considers them. Although I asked some silly questions and posed many hypothetical situations in class, I did not feel judged. I believe this helped me to jump grades from S to A for my A Levels in a span of 3 months. Ms Foo helped me to fill in missing links between my ideas, improving the quality of my essays. Her question breakdowns, keywords and answering structures are eye-opening when it comes to organising your essays and figuring out what question wants from you. I especially appreciate that she takes the time to analyse my essays after every test, which helps me find the root of my problems and understand my own thought process during the exam. For those who have a fear of confronting their exam performance, this is very beneficial in showing you the reality of your understanding in Economics. Ms Foo is very enthusiastic about Economics and this is quite infectious. She has helped me rediscover my passion for Economics through her excitable and teaching attitude. Additionally, I find that her lessons are affordable and very worth it!” ~ Angelina Kee, RI
Interested in joining our tuition classes?
The following group tuition classes for 2025 are currently available for registration:
JC2, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):
Tuesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)
Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bugis + Online)
Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)
Thursday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)
Saturday 1.30pm to 3.30pm (Bishan + Online)
JC2, H1 (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):
Saturday 11.30am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)
JC1, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):
Saturday 9.30am to 11.30am (Bishan + Online)
JC1, H1 (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):
Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Bugis + Online)
IB, Year 6, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):
Monday 6.30pm to 8.30pm (Bishan + Online)
IB, Year 5, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):
Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)
Thursday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)
IB, Year 6, SL (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):
Monday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)
IB, Year 5, SL (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):
Wednesday 6.30pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)
Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. Please refer to the fees page on the website www.econslab.com for more information. For group tuition (capped at 13 students max), it is $400 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (H2 & IB HL) and $340 for 4 lessons of 1hr30mins (H1 & IB SL). Sign up with friends to enjoy $20 discount off the first full month’s fees. Do let us know if you are keen but cannot find a suitable timing above. You may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149 for more details or to sign up.
Look forward to seeing you in class soon!
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