GCE A Level Results 2025!

Heartiest congratulations to our students who took the GCE A Level Economics exam in 2024!

Our students achieved excellent results! In fact, it is to be noted that 88% of our students in this cohort were consistently failing Economics with U or S grades prior to receiving tuition. Well done to our students - 100% of this cohort achieved at least 2-grades improvement, 94% of this cohort achieved at least 3-grades improvement, 72% achieved 4 to 6-grades improvement. We are very pleased with our students’ academic achievement.

Aside from our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo’s guidance, our students put in the effort to study and revise hence achieving the excellent result. We are very happy that our students’ effort paid off.

What do we provide to our students to help them achieve such good improvement?

✔ Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement

Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill

✔ Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well

Concise notes to help students with revision

As much as Ms Foo has been branded as a turnaround specialist with excellent track record, joining our tuition earlier definitely helps to relieve students of unnecessary stress and secure a higher chance of achieving greater improvement in their grades. Students who achieved at least 3-grades improvement, 83% of them attended our tuition for at least 6 months whereas 17% attended tuition between 3 to 6 months.

Take a look at what some of our graduates from our 2024 cohort said about tuition at EconsLab:

“Ms Foo is an extremely patient and approachable teacher who is dedicated to teaching and seeing her students improve. I had improved from a U grade (and many consistent fails) to an A in A Levelswithin the 3 months that I was taught by Ms Foo! Before I had enrolled into her class, I had not a single clue how to study for Economics nor what the subject was about. Ms Foo’s lessons were easy to follow and helped me gain a true understanding of the subject, through correcting my many misconceptions and equipping me with the necessary techniques to answer any Economics question. I highly recommend her lessons!!” ~ Jessica Tan, RI

“Ms Foo is a really dedicated tutor who has a profound knowledge in Economics that is on par with Cambridge standards. Her teaching made initially confusing concepts become much more interesting and logical as she would link the concepts that schools would rush through. She made Economics subject seem not as daunting and unfamiliar and also seamlessly made lessons become very fun, engaging and digestable. Ms Foo makes sure everyone is heard and would answer every student’s doubts using various types of explanations, ensuring each student grasps the content thoroughly. And her dedication does not stop at academics. She would also often offer inspiring pep talks and advice on how to study Economics. All in all, thanks to Ms Foo, my grades have soared drastically. Hence, I would definitely recommend joining EconsLab!” ~ Sim Wee En, TMJC

“Ms Foo is an amazing tutor. She is patientand able to explain concepts efficientlywhile making herlessons engaging. With her guidance, I was able to have a clearer understanding of key Economics concepts and my grades had significantly improved!” ~ Brayden Chng, DHS

“Ms Foo is a very helpful and encouraging teacher; she was very patient and accommodating and I really enjoyed her lessons. She emphasizes having the correct keywords and essay structures in her lessons which helped me very much with my understanding of Economics. During lessons, she will go through practice questions and she always encourages students to participate in coming up with the answers which I find really helped me improve. I always feel comfortable asking her for help or any questions I may have as she is very welcoming. Overall, I greatly appreciate Ms Foo’s help and support. :))” ~ Charis Lam, RI

“Ms Foo was really effective in her teaching. I remember not enjoying Economics classes when I just started my JC journey because I was always so lost during lectures and tutorials. With Ms Foo’s guidance, I not only had a better understanding of the concepts, but were also able to apply it to my assignments. She focuses on answering techniques which in my opinion really help those who wants to score well for their exams. Besides that, she also makes her class enjoyable by engaging students in multiple class discussions which really allow students to demonstrate their learning and thinking process. Overall, I have always looked forward to attending her lessons during the weekends!!” ~ Kueh Xuan, TMJC

“Ms Foo is a dedicated and caring teacher who is always giving her all to her students. She helped to clarify all the concepts from J1 and brought my grades up to an A in both Prelims and A Levels! I’m extremely grateful for the extra support through her notes, detailed explanations and willingness to answer any questions. ~ Tan Shih Han, EJC

“First off, Ms Foo is an amazing teacher. She is both inspiring and dedicated which made my Economics journey so much easier. She takes the extra mile to make sure I fully understood the concept before moving on and also motivates me to push beyond my limits. Secondly, her lessons are effective and engaging, making it incredibly easy to follow. As a strong believer in writing notes, she encourages everyone to follow what she wrote on the board to ensure that we fully grasp the concepts and jnow the important keywords to use. Thereupon, there was never once I walked out of her class feeling like I’ve learnt nothing and clueless. Third, she would go out of her way to make sure we learn from our mistakes. After every exam or test, she would help review everyone’s script, allowing us to have a more in-depth understanding of how to prevent similar mistakes from happening and how to excel. In a nutshell, joining EconsLab was the best choice I’ve made as thanks to Ms Foo, I’ve now developed a strong love for Economics which is totally opposite of what I felt back when I was in JC1 before I joined. Herein, I truly encourage you (the reader) to join as well!” ~ Sim Wee An, TMJC

“Ms Foo is a dedicated and caring teacher who is not afraid to go beyond the mile to ensure that you actually understand the concepts. She also made the lessons fun and enjoyable! Thank you Ms Foo!” ~ Tan Zhi Guang, Private Candidate

“Ms Foo is a very dedicated and kind teacher who goes the extra mile for her students. I joined Ms Foo after scoring U for Promos in J1. Under her guidance and patience, I noticed significant improvement in my Economics grades! “ ~ Leaw Qing Heng, EJC

“Tuition lesson are flexible either in person or through Zoom. The tutor heavily focuses on details related to Economics concepts making the students’ understanding more complete.” ~ Keifer Loke, Private Candidate

“Ms Foo is a very good teacher! She helped me to raise my grade from a U to a B in JC1 and I eventually got a B for A Levels!” ~ Megan Wong, NJC

“Ms Foo is a very warm and encouraging teacher. She welcomes questions and carefully considers them. Although I asked some silly questions and posed many hypothetical situations in class, I did not feel judged. I believe this helped me to jump grades from S to A for my A Levels in a span of 3 months. Ms Foo helped me to fill in missing links between my ideas, improving the quality of my essays. Her question breakdowns, keywords and answering structures are eye-opening when it comes to organising your essays and figuring out what question wants from you. I especially appreciate that she takes the time to analyse my essays after every test, which helps me find the root of my problems and understand my own thought process during the exam. For those who have a fear of confronting their exam performance, this is very beneficial in showing you the reality of your understanding in Economics. Ms Foo is very enthusiastic about Economics and this is quite infectious. She has helped me rediscover my passion for Economics through her excitable and teaching attitude. Additionally, I find that her lessons are affordable and very worth it!” ~ Angelina Kee, RI

Interested in joining our tuition classes?

The following group tuition classes for 2025 are currently available for registration:

JC2, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bugis + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 1.30pm to 3.30pm (Bishan + Online)

JC2, H1 (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Saturday 11.30am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Saturday 9.30am to 11.30am (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H1 (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Bugis + Online)

IB, Year 6, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Monday 6.30pm to 8.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 6, SL (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Monday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, SL (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Wednesday 6.30pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. Please refer to the fees page on the website www.econslab.com for more information. For group tuition (capped at 13 students max), it is $400 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (H2 & IB HL) and $340 for 4 lessons of 1hr30mins (H1 & IB SL). Sign up with friends to enjoy $20 discount off the first full month’s fees. Do let us know if you are keen but cannot find a suitable timing above. You may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149 for more details or to sign up.

Look forward to seeing you in class soon!

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Registration Open for JC Economics & IB Economics 2025!

At EconsLab, we do our best to provide our students with the skills necessary to conquer their school assessments and eventually the Promotional exam, GCE A Level and IB Economics exam for JC Economics & IB Economics.

Our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo reviews scripts for her students for her students’ March Block Test, Midyear exams and Prelims. Ms Foo’s constructive feedback to her students’ work helps identify their blind spots and areas needed for improvement. Our students’ excellent results and testimonials speaks for itself. You may know some of our accomplished achievers (view from Results page from our website www.EconsLab.com).

The key to doing well in Economics is first to master the content well. Next is learning the exam techniques of question analysis and points development to ensure answers meet the question requirement. Lastly, it is through structuring the answers to ensure arguments are presented coherently.

What do we provide to our students to help them achieve such good improvement in their grades?

✔ Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement

Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill

✔ Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well

Concise notes to help students with revision

As much as Ms Foo has been branded as a turnaround specialist with excellent track record, joining our tuition earlier definitely helps to relieve students of unnecessary stress and secure a higher chance of achieving greater improvement in their grades.

Take a look at what some of our graduates from our 2023 cohort said about tuition at EconsLab:

“Ms Foo was vital in my leap from an S for my mid-year exams to an A for the A Levels. She placed a strong emphasis on using the right keywordsand structure which helped me elevate the quality of my essays. She was always open to answering our questions and took time to write well-crafted comments after reviewing our school exam paper responses. This helped me immensely in patching up the gaps in my knowledge. Overall, as someone who didn’t want to spend big on tuition, this was absolutely worth every dollar.” ~ Muhammad Faizan, RI

“Ms Foo is a kind and committed teacher who takes great care in ensuring the success of her students! Personally I have improved from S in MYCT to B in A Levels which would not have been possible without her help. Thank you so much Ms Foo! :)” ~ Myrna Keerthi, ASRJC

“Ms Foo is an incredibly kind and caring teacher that supported me throughout my Economics journey!” ~ Athul, YIJC

“Ms Foo is an incredibly patient and encouraging teacher. She would always encourage students to clarify doubts, and is more than willing to explain concepts in greater depth when students need it. As someone who retook their A Levels as a private candidate, this not only improved my understanding of Economics concepts but also helped me develop greater confidence for Economics, ultimately inspiring me to persevere and commit more time into the subject. Ultimately I enjoyed her lessons and I would not have been able to improve by 2 grades from my previous attempt without her constant guidance.” ~ Edmund Lauw, Private Candidate

“Economics Teacher, Ms Foo, has a solid foundation in TEACHING Economics and helping students understand it to a point where 50mins essays become no problem to write. Her encouraging, yet strict when needed approach, is bound to guarantee an improvement in your Economics grade!” ~ Samuel Neo, DHS

“Ms Foo helped me improve from getting a U grade in J1 to a B grade in A Levels! Her lessons are always very informative and in-depth, and the skills and strategies she has shared with the class are very useful and improved the way I answer Economics questions I face in school! I would highly recommend EconsLab to any juniors or friends who ask me for tuition recommendations. :)” ~ Joia Lim, EJC

“Ms Foo’s lessons are very much enjoyable. She has effective teaching methods that helped me learn how to break down questions and answer questions with economic analysis.” ~ Guru, Private Candidate

“Ms Foo is a dedicated and caring teacher! She goes above and beyond to ensure concise and clear understanding of her teaching as well. Not only does she ensure that her lecture content is clear and easy to understand, she also ensures that hands on tutorial is easy to follow and teaches us how to apply certain concepts and to be able to write concisely. Thank you for bringing up my grade from a D to an A especially during my school examinations Ms Foo! Appreciate the guidance and constant help especially with school work or answering any other questions that I have.” ~ Natalie Quah, YIJC

“I enjoyed Ms Foo’s lessons very much. Her teaching methods helped me a lot. Her explanations of the different concepts were easy to understand. I love that when she guides us through questions, she manages to break down the question requirements and makes sure that we answer the requirements. This gave me the confidence to answer questions. Furthermore, Ms Foo is always passionate to teach the class and never fails to give a cheerful energy every lesson. Overall, my experience was definitely fruitful. ~ Adriana, YIJC

“I managed to jump four grades in a mere three months! Never expected to pass Econs, yet alone secure good grades for A Levels. Definitely couldn’t have done it without Ms Foo’s guidance which I am so grateful for. Thank you so much!” ~ Raeanne Tan, RI

“Ms Foo helped me to make a tremendous improvement in my Economics grade at the A Levels :) Her dedication to each student to know their strengths and weaknesses and working on areas of improvement helped me greatly!” ~ Claire Tan, CJC

Interested in joining our tuition classes?

The following 2025 JC Economics & IB Economics group tuition classes are currently available for registration:

JC2, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bugis + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 1.30pm to 3.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

JC2, H1 (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Saturday 11.30am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Saturday 9.30am to 11.30am (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H1 (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Bugis + Online)

IB, Year 6, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Bugis + Online)

IB, Year 5, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Thursday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 6, SL (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Monday 6.30pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bugis + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, SL (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. Please refer to the fees page on the website www.econslab.com for more information. For group tuition (capped at 13 students max), it is $400 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (H2 & HL) and $340 for 4 lessons of 1hr30mins (H1 & SL). Sign up with friends to enjoy $20 discount off the first full month’s fees.

Do let us know if you are keen but cannot find a suitable timing above and we will do our best to arrange a class for you based on your available timing and if the proposed timing does not clash with other existing classes. You may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149 for more details or to sign up.

Look forward to seeing you in class soon!

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Registration OPEN for JC Economics & IB Economics 2025!

At EconsLab, we do our best to provide our students with the skills necessary to conquer their school assessments and eventually the Promotional exam, GCE A Level and IB Economics exam for JC Economics & IB Economics.

Our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo reviews scripts for her students for her students’ March Block Test, Midyear exams and Prelims. Ms Foo’s constructive feedback to her students’ work helps identify their blind spots and areas needed for improvement. Our students’ excellent results and testimonials speaks for itself. You may know some of our accomplished achievers (view from Results page from our website www.EconsLab.com).

The key to doing well in Economics is first to master the content well. Next is learning the exam techniques of question analysis and points development to ensure answers meet the question requirement. Lastly, it is through structuring the answers to ensure arguments are presented coherently.

What do we provide to our students to help them achieve such good improvement in their grades?

✔ Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement

Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill

✔ Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well

Concise notes to help students with revision

As much as Ms Foo has been branded as a turnaround specialist with excellent track record, joining our tuition earlier definitely helps to relieve students of unnecessary stress and secure a higher chance of achieving greater improvement in their grades.

Take a look at what some of our graduates from our 2023 cohort said about tuition at EconsLab:

“Ms Foo was vital in my leap from an S for my mid-year exams to an A for the A Levels. She placed a strong emphasis on using the right keywordsand structure which helped me elevate the quality of my essays. She was always open to answering our questions and took time to write well-crafted comments after reviewing our school exam paper responses. This helped me immensely in patching up the gaps in my knowledge. Overall, as someone who didn’t want to spend big on tuition, this was absolutely worth every dollar.” ~ Muhammad Faizan, RI

“Ms Foo is a kind and committed teacher who takes great care in ensuring the success of her students! Personally I have improved from S in MYCT to B in A Levels which would not have been possible without her help. Thank you so much Ms Foo! :)” ~ Myrna Keerthi, ASRJC

“Ms Foo is an incredibly kind and caring teacher that supported me throughout my Economics journey!” ~ Athul, YIJC

“Ms Foo is an incredibly patient and encouraging teacher. She would always encourage students to clarify doubts, and is more than willing to explain concepts in greater depth when students need it. As someone who retook their A Levels as a private candidate, this not only improved my understanding of Economics concepts but also helped me develop greater confidence for Economics, ultimately inspiring me to persevere and commit more time into the subject. Ultimately I enjoyed her lessons and I would not have been able to improve by 2 grades from my previous attempt without her constant guidance.” ~ Edmund Lauw, Private Candidate

“Economics Teacher, Ms Foo, has a solid foundation in TEACHING Economics and helping students understand it to a point where 50mins essays become no problem to write. Her encouraging, yet strict when needed approach, is bound to guarantee an improvement in your Economics grade!” ~ Samuel Neo, DHS

“Ms Foo helped me improve from getting a U grade in J1 to a B grade in A Levels! Her lessons are always very informative and in-depth, and the skills and strategies she has shared with the class are very useful and improved the way I answer Economics questions I face in school! I would highly recommend EconsLab to any juniors or friends who ask me for tuition recommendations. :)” ~ Joia Lim, EJC

“Ms Foo’s lessons are very much enjoyable. She has effective teaching methods that helped me learn how to break down questions and answer questions with economic analysis.” ~ Guru, Private Candidate

“Ms Foo is a dedicated and caring teacher! She goes above and beyond to ensure concise and clear understanding of her teaching as well. Not only does she ensure that her lecture content is clear and easy to understand, she also ensures that hands on tutorial is easy to follow and teaches us how to apply certain concepts and to be able to write concisely. Thank you for bringing up my grade from a D to an A especially during my school examinations Ms Foo! Appreciate the guidance and constant help especially with school work or answering any other questions that I have.” ~ Natalie Quah, YIJC

“I enjoyed Ms Foo’s lessons very much. Her teaching methods helped me a lot. Her explanations of the different concepts were easy to understand. I love that when she guides us through questions, she manages to break down the question requirements and makes sure that we answer the requirements. This gave me the confidence to answer questions. Furthermore, Ms Foo is always passionate to teach the class and never fails to give a cheerful energy every lesson. Overall, my experience was definitely fruitful. ~ Adriana, YIJC

“I managed to jump four grades in a mere three months! Never expected to pass Econs, yet alone secure good grades for A Levels. Definitely couldn’t have done it without Ms Foo’s guidance which I am so grateful for. Thank you so much!” ~ Raeanne Tan, RI

“Ms Foo helped me to make a tremendous improvement in my Economics grade at the A Levels :) Her dedication to each student to know their strengths and weaknesses and working on areas of improvement helped me greatly!” ~ Claire Tan, CJC

Interested in joining our tuition classes?

The following 2025 JC Economics & IB Economics group tuition classes are currently available for registration:

JC2, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bugis + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 9.30am to 11.30am (Bugis + Online)

  • Saturday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 1.30pm to 3.30pm (Bishan + Online

  • Sunday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

JC2, H1 (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Monday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 11.30am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 7.30pm to 9.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Saturday 9.30am to 11.30am (Bugis + Online)

  • Saturday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H1 (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Bugis + Online)

  • Saturday 12.00pm to 1.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 6, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Thursday 5.30pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Bugis + Online)

IB, Year 5, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Bugis + Online)

IB, Year 6, SL (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Monday 6.30pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bugis + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, SL (4 sessions of 1hr30mins per month):

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

    Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. Please refer to the fees page on the website www.econslab.com for more information. For group tuition (capped at 13 students max), it is $400 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (H2 & HL) and $340 for 4 lessons of 1.5 hours (H1 & SL). Sign up with friends to enjoy $20 discount off the first full month’s fees.

    Do let us know if you are keen but cannot find a suitable timing above and we will do our best to arrange a class for you based on your available timing and if the proposed timing does not clash with other existing classes. You may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149 for more details or to sign up.

    Look forward to seeing you in class soon!

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GCE A Level Results 2024!

Heartiest congratulations to our students who took the GCE A Level Economics exam in 2023!

Our students achieved excellent results! In fact, it is to be noted that 70% of our students in this cohort were consistently failing Economics with U or S grades prior to receiving tuition. Well done to our students - 88% of this cohort achieved at least 2-grades improvement and 32% achieved 4 to 6-grades improvement. We are very pleased with our students’ academic achievement.

Aside from our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo’s guidance, our students put in the effort to study and revise hence achieving the excellent result. We are very happy that our students’ effort paid off.

What do we provide to our students to help them achieve such good improvement?

✔ Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement

Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill

✔ Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well

Concise notes to help students with revision

As much as Ms Foo has been branded as a turnaround specialist with excellent track record, joining our tuition earlier definitely helps to relieve students of unnecessary stress and secure a higher chance of achieving greater improvement in their grades. Students who achieved at least 2-grades improvement, 55% of them attended our tuition for at least 6 months whereas the remaining 45% attended tuition between 3 to 6 months.

Take a look at what some of our graduates from our 2023 cohort said about tuition at EconsLab:

“Ms Foo was vital in my leap from an S for my mid-year exams to an A for the A Levels. She placed a strong emphasis on using the right keywords and structure which helped me elevate the quality of my essays. She was always open to answering our questions and took time to write well-crafted comments after reviewing our school exam paper responses. This helped me immensely in patching up the gaps in my knowledge. Overall, as someone who didn’t want to spend big on tuition, this was absolutely worth every dollar.” ~ Muhammad Faizan, RI

“Ms Foo is a kind and committed teacher who takes great care in ensuring the success of her students! Personally I have improved from S in MYCT to B in A Levels which would not have been possible without her help. Thank you so much Ms Foo! :)” ~ Myrna Keerthi, ASRJC

“Ms Foo is an incredibly kind and caring teacher that supported me throughout my econs journey!” ~ Athul, YIJC

“Ms Foo is an incredibly patient and encouraging teacher. She would always encourage students to clarify doubts, and is more than willing to explain concepts in greater depth when students need it. As someone who retook their A Levels as a private candidate, this not only improved my understanding of Economics concepts but also helped me develop greater confidence for Economics, ultimately inspiring me to persevere and commit more time into the subject. Ultimately I enjoyed her lessons and I would not have been able to improve by 2 grades from my previous attempt without her constant guidance.” ~ Edmund Lauw, Private Candidate

“Economics Teacher, Ms Foo, has a solid foundation in TEACHING Economics and helping students understand it to a point where 50mins essays become no problem to write. Her encouraging, yet strict when needed approach, is bound to guarantee an improvement in your Economics grade!” ~ Samuel Neo, DHS

“Ms Foo helped me improve from getting a U grade in J1 to a B grade in A Levels! Her lessons are always very informative and in-depth, and the skills and strategies she has shared with the class are very useful and improved the way I answer Economics questions I face in school! I would highly recommend EconsLab to any juniors or friends who ask me for tuition recommendations. :)” ~ Joia Lim, EJC

“Ms Foo’s lessons are very much enjoyable. She has effective teaching methods that helped me learn how to break down questions and answer questions with economic analysis.” ~ Guru, Private Candidate

“Ms Foo is a dedicated and caring teacher! She goes above and beyond to ensure concise and clear understanding of her teaching as well. Not only does she ensure that her lecture content is clear and easy to understand, she also ensures that hands on tutorial is easy to follow and teaches us how to apply certain concepts and to be able to write concisely. Thank you for bringing up my grade from a D to an A especially during my school examinations Ms Foo! Appreciate the guidance and constant help especially with school work or answering any other questions that I have.” ~ Natalie Quah, YIJC

“I enjoyed Ms Foo’s lessons very much. Her teaching methods helped me a lot. Her explanations of the different concepts were easy to understand. I love that when she guides us through questions, she manages to break down the question requirements and makes sure that we answer the requirements. This gave me the confidence to answer questions. Furthermore, Ms Foo is always passionate to teach the class and never fails to give a cheerful energy every lesson. Overall, my experience was definitely fruitful. ~ Adriana, YIJC

“I managed to jump four grades in a mere three months! Never expected to pass Econs, yet alone secure good grades for A Levels. Definitely couldn’t have done it without Ms Foo’s guidance which I am so grateful for. Thank you so much!” ~ Raeanne Tan, RI

“Ms Foo helped me to make a tremendous improvement in my Economics grade at the A Levels :) Her dedication to each student to know their strengths and weaknesses and working on areas of improvement helped me greatly!” ~ Claire Tan, CJC

Interested in joining our tuition classes?

The following group tuition classes for 2024 are currently available for registration:

JC2, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Monday 5.00pm to 7.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Tuesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bukit Timah + Online)

  • Tuesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bukit Timah + Online)

  • Tuesday 5.00pm to 7.00pm (Bukit Timah + Online)

  • Tuesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bukit Timah + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 3.00pm to 5.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bugis + Online)

  • Sunday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC2, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Saturday 1.30pm to 3.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bukit Timah + Online)

  • Tuesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bukit Timah + Online)

  • Tuesday 5.00pm to 7.00pm (Bukit Timah + Online)

  • Tuesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bukit Timah + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 3.00pm to 5.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bugis + Online)

  • Sunday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Sunday 11.00am to 12.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 6, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bukit Timah + Online)

  • Thursday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 6.30pm to 8.30pm (Bukit Timah + Online)

IB, Year 6, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bukit Timah + Online)

Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. Please refer to the fees page on the website www.econslab.com for more information. For group tuition (capped at 12 students max), it is $360 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (H2 & IB HL) and $320 for 4 lessons of 1.5 hours (H1 & IB SL). Sign up with friends to enjoy $20 discount off the first full month’s fees. Do let us know if you are keen but cannot find a suitable timing above. You may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149 for more details or to sign up.

Look forward to seeing you in class soon!

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IB Economics Exam Results 2024

Heartiest congratulations to our IB students who took the HL/SL Economics exam in 2023!

Our students achieved excellent results - with 91% of our students achieving the perfect grade 7 and 6! Out of which 40% of the students scored perfect 7 while 60% scored 6.

Aside from our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo’s guidance, our students put in the effort to study and revise hence achieving the excellent result. We are very happy that our students’ effort paid off.

Here’s what some of our students say about our tuition:

“Ms Foo helped bring my grade up from a 5 to 7! What I love is not just that she cares a lot about each student, making sure everyone understands the concepts being taught and encouraging students to clarify their doubts, but also the way she teaches. She teaches us the ways to think about answering essay questions rather than just giving us the content answers, making the knowledge she teaches us in class applicable to almost any question. Thank you Ms Foo!” ~ Lucas Woon, SOTA

“Ms Foo has helped me so much during my IB journey as her lessons are engaging and helped me better understand Econs alongside its real world applications. Thanks to her patience and good explanations I managed to clarify any doubts I had about the content both in lesson and even outside lessons during my own revision time. I was able to secure good scores for both prelims and my IB exams. Thanks again Ms Foo!” ~ Ng Sue Ann, ACS International

“I have always struggled with writing more than the understanding of the concept itself. Ms Foo taught me how to write concisely and explain the theory logically. Also, she always encourages us to think on our own rather than forcing us to memorize stuff so that we can understand the concept by heart. I would recommend EconsLab for those who are seeking to make the difference that takes to boost the grade to 6 or 7.” ~ Kwak Joon Seong, ACS International

What do we provide to our students to help them achieve the perfect 7?

Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement

Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill

Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well

Concise notes to help students with revision

Interested in joining our IB Economics tuition?

New classes could be formed from time to time with at least 2 students in a class. We are flexible with the lesson timing so long there is no clash to other classes’ timing. In fact, let us know if you do have any preferred tuition timing and we would do our best to arrange. If you cannot fit into the class timings stated below, we are open to discussion to open up new slots.

Small class size of up to maximum 12 students in a class. The following group tuition classes are currently available for registration:

IB, Year 6, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 6, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. For group face-to-face tuition, it is $360 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (HL) and $320 for 4 lessons of 1.5 hours (SL). For more details or to sign up, you may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149.

Look forward to seeing you in class soon!

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JC Economics & IB Economics at econsLAB

At EconsLab, we do our best to provide our students with the skills necessary to conquer school assessments and eventually the Promotional exam and GCE A Level and IB Economics exam.

Our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo reviews scripts for her students for her students’ March Block Test, Midyear exams and Prelims. Ms Foo’s constructive feedback to her students’ work helps identify their blind spots and areas needed for improvement. Our students’ excellent results and testimonials speaks for itself. You may know some of our accomplished achievers (view from Results page from our website www.econslab.com).

The key to doing well in Economics is first to master the content well. Next is learning the exam techniques of question analysis and points development to ensure answers meet the question requirement. Lastly, it is through structuring the answers to ensure arguments are presented coherently.

What do we provide to our students to help them achieve such good improvement in their grades?

✔ Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement

Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill

✔ Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well

Concise notes to help students with revision

As much as Ms Foo has been branded as a turnaround specialist with excellent track record, joining our tuition earlier definitely helps to relieve students of unnecessary stress and secure a higher chance of achieving greater improvement in their grades.

Take a look at what some of our graduates from our 2022 cohort said about tuition at EconsLab:

Very detailed, tutor pays attention to all students and their weaknesses. Great for practising application of concepts and answering techniques.” ~ Chong Weng Kee, HCI

“Ms Foo is a patient and caring teacher who teaches Economics concepts in an engaging way. Her teaching style makes the content easy to understand, and has helped me to make significant improvements in Econs. :)” ~ Jynice Chua, EJC

“Ms Foo is patient and understanding, helped to make Economics much more organized and easier to understand.” ~ Evan Chew, SAJC

“Ms Foo makes her Economics lessons very engaging and is really willing to clarify all our doubts. During lesson she would make the effort to ensure that we all understand the concepts being taught and also patiently explain to us if we dont understand. Thanks to her I was able to improve in the subject and clinch an A for A Levels! Thank you Ms Foo!” ~ Melody Khoo, TMJC

“Ms Foo is a really patient teacher who always answer my questions with much clarity. The lessons are also really engaging which helped me stay focus and learn well!” ~ Amberlie Chng, ACJC

“Ms Foo has been a wonderful and patient teacher who would try her best to explain the concepts as well as possible to me, even if I still struggle with understanding some Economics concepts. Thank you so much for teaching me Economics, however short the time was, and your lessons have always been so enjoyable and fruitful!” ~ Kor Xuan, DHS

“Ms Foo is a wonderful Economics teacher who constantly goes the extra mile to help us understand our content and concepts! She is always so open to us asking her questions and she consistently guides us throughout our journey from J1 all the way to the A Levels. I couldnt ask for a better Economics teacher - thank you for everything Ms Foo!” ~ Khew Tung Chuan, RI

“Very effective teaching that allowed me to bridge the content of Economics and the writing techniques to score as many marks as possible in an exam.” ~ EJ, YIJC

“Ms Foo is a patient and accommodating teacher that helped me greatly in my preparation for A Levels! My grades gradually improved from a S to an A with aid from her lessons. :) Her meticulous and experienced approach to teaching helped me to figure out key concepts that I had struggled with previously, and to approach questions in a more strategic manner. Thank you Ms Foo!” ~ Claire Chua, NYJC

“As someone who had to learn Economics from scratch, Ms Foo has played an integral role in my success. Her lessons are beyond engaging and I will leave each lesson with my doubts cleared. In addition, her notes are short yet comprehensive which has allowed me to easily understand what was being taught.” ~ Khairil, Private Candidate

“Blessed to find a tutor who is the most sincere and engaging in her teaching! I had unimaginable improvements after coming here! Ms Foo and EconsLab is the best!” ~ Alya Afiqah, JPJC

“Ms Foo is very engaging and passionate in her teaching. She always ensures that we clarify our doubts and participate in her classes. She would also point out common mistakes and key areas to take note for our exams. She cares for her students and pushes us to do our best. I have really enjoyed and learnt alot from her lessons.” ~ Germaine Hor, TJC

“Ms Foo is an engaging and patient teacher who takes the time to clarify our doubts and solidify our concepts, and teaches us in a very clear and concise manner, while emphasizing important points and frequently giving us timely reminders on what to look out for during examinations such as common misconceptions and mistakes made by most candidates. She is caring and perceptive, encouraging us to perform better in every assessment, both verbally and by painstakingly writing personalized comments and advice for us for every script we submit. Very glad to have attended her lessons as I managed to improve significantly within just four months of joining!” ~ Tan Boon Leong, DHS

“Ms Foo gives highly detailed lessons and caters to her students learning needs. She takes time to clarify any of our doubts even after class. Thank you for helping me get an A for A Levels!” ~ Arienne Chua, RI

“Very effective tuition centre and engaging teaching methods! Helped me from a U grade to A in the A Levels within a few months!!” ~ Liang Jing Yu, YIJC

“Ms Foo is a really kind and effective Economics teacher that cares alot about her students. Her lessons are clear and she provides comprehensive answers to ensure we hit all the necessary points when answering exam questions. She ensures that our concepts are sound and she succeeds in addressing our weak points for the quickest and best improvement in Economics. If you want a great Economics tutor look no further!” ~ Cedric Koh, NYJC

“Great teacher and fun lessons” ~ Elliot Heng, YIJC

“Ms Foo is a super effective and engaging Economics tutor who is always really patient with her students. Despite attending the lessons online, the experience felt as though it was similar to that as it would be in-person, with how interactive Ms Foo is even with the online students, as she constantly invites us to answer questions and share our ideas with the rest of the class. I really appreciate the way she teaches students how to tackle all types of Economics questions, teaching us a systematic approach which is easy to apply across all the different Economics topics no matter how obscure the question may be along with this, each lesson felt very productive and meaningful with the way Ms Foo went through the content, bringing in real life examples to explain the theory to make it easier to digest, as well as going through numerous example questions per topic wherein students were always encouraged to participate, which gave me a much better understanding of how to go about attempting questions. Ms Foo also always been very willing to answer questions and provide individualized feedback outside of lessons, which allowed me to better understand my weakness and effectively use her advice to work on improving myself. The combination of all these things is what helped me improve my Economics grade quite significantly in just the span of J2 :) thank you Ms Foo!!” ~ Taniska Singh, RI

Interested in joining our tuition classes?

The following group tuition classes for 2024 are currently available for registration:

JC2, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Monday 5.45pm to 7.45pm (Bishan + Online) - for NYJC & VJC students

  • Wednesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC2, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Saturday 1.30pm to 3.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 3.00pm to 5.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Sunday 11.00am to 12.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 6, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 6, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. Please refer to the fees page on the website www.econslab.com for more information. For group tuition (capped at 12 students max), it is $360 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (H2 & HL) and $320 for 4 lessons of 1.5 hours (H1 & SL). Sign up with friends to enjoy $20 discount off the first full month’s fees. Do let us know if you are keen but cannot find a suitable timing above and we will do our best to arrange. You may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149 for more details or to sign up.

Look forward to seeing you in class soon!

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Ong Xin Zhu (Yishun Junior College)

Hi all to you people who will be reading this!

Firstly, I want to thank Ms Foo for being such an amazing, caring and definitely hardworking teacher. She brought me to believe in myself and also in miracles. She gives up on No One and strongly believe that everyone will score sky high marks. “Aim for A* and you’ll get an A. Aim for A and you’ll get anything lower than that.”

Throughout my studies in Junior College, I didnt score exceptionally well in H1 Economics. Like the rest of my peers, it was a new subject. To tell the truth, even with tuition (which i joined in late J1), I barely passed my H1 and barely got promoted. Closer to the A Levels, I pushed myself (with the help of Ms Foo) to answer the questions posed in class. I would even worry when a classmate had answered the question way better than me and I almost actually lost all hope in myself.

But, the thing that kept me going was Ms Foo’s encouragement and never ending talks about remembering “links”. That nagging voice of linking cheered me on during the A Levels and I wouldnt even put down my pen until the examiner said so. My hard work and of course Ms Foo’s hard work paid off when I received my results on that fateful day (2 March 2015) and saw that I had achieved a big fat A for Economics! Whoohoo! Seeing that A on my results slip had led me to believe in miracles.

Thank you once again Ms Foo for your constant guidance and support!!

“A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn’t even feel like it” ~ Alistair Cooke

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Partnership Series: InGenius Prep

Keen to enhance your profile to gain admission to top universities?

Partnering with InGenius Prep to give you expert advice on how best to differentiate yourself from the rest. This face-to-face session is complimentary. Register via the QR code.

Simply quote “EconsLab” to enjoy an exclusive 10% discount off the fees if you wish to engage InGenius Prep to help you with your admission.

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Collaboration + Exclusive Promotion

We are happy to announce our collaboration with InGenius Prep to bring quality expert advice to our students who might be considering admissions to top UK and US universities for both undergraduate and graduate studies. InGenius Prep has excellent track record in helping candidates gain admission to their dream university.

Looking to study in top UK or US universities but not sure how and where to start?

Simply quote “EconsLab” to enjoy an exclusive 10% discount for their professional service!

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March 2023 School Timed Practice & Block Test Results

Impressive performance from some of our students who did well in their recent March Block Test and timed practice! We are happy that their diligence paid off.

What do we provide to our students to help them achieve such excellent result?

✔ Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement

Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill

✔ Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well

Concise notes to help students with revision

As much as Ms Foo has been branded as a turnaround specialist with excellent track record, joining our tuition earlier definitely helps to relieve students of unnecessary stress and secure a higher chance of achieving greater improvement in their grades. Students who achieved at least 2-grades improvement, 76% of them attended our tuition for at least 6 months whereas the remaining 24% attended tuition between 3 to 6 months.

Take a look at what some of our graduates from our 2022 cohort said about tuition at EconsLab:

Very detailed, tutor pays attention to all students and their weaknesses. Great for practising application of concepts and answering techniques.” ~ Chong Weng Kee, HCI

“Ms Foo is a patient and caring teacher who teaches Economics concepts in an engaging way. Her teaching style makes the content easy to understand, and has helped me to make significant improvements in Econs. :)” ~ Jynice Chua, EJC

“Ms Foo is patient and understanding, helped to make Economics much more organized and easier to understand.” ~ Evan Chew, SAJC

“Ms Foo makes her Economics lessons very engaging and is really willing to clarify all our doubts. During lesson she would make the effort to ensure that we all understand the concepts being taught and also patiently explain to us if we dont understand. Thanks to her I was able to improve in the subject and clinch an A for A Levels! Thank you Ms Foo!” ~ Melody Khoo, TMJC

“Ms Foo is a really patient teacher who always answer my questions with much clarity. The lessons are also really engaging which helped me stay focus and learn well!” ~ Amberlie Chng, ACJC

“Ms Foo has been a wonderful and patient teacher who would try her best to explain the concepts as well as possible to me, even if I still struggle with understanding some Economics concepts. Thank you so much for teaching me Economics, however short the time was, and your lessons have always been so enjoyable and fruitful!” ~ Kor Xuan, DHS

“Ms Foo is a wonderful Economics teacher who constantly goes the extra mile to help us understand our content and concepts! She is always so open to us asking her questions and she consistently guides us throughout our journey from J1 all the way to the A Levels. I couldnt ask for a better Economics teacher - thank you for everything Ms Foo!” ~ Khew Tung Chuan, RI

“Very effective teaching that allowed me to bridge the content of Economics and the writing techniques to score as many marks as possible in an exam.” ~ EJ, YIJC

“Ms Foo is a patient and accommodating teacher that helped me greatly in my preparation for A Levels! My grades gradually improved from a S to an A with aid from her lessons. :) Her meticulous and experienced approach to teaching helped me to figure out key concepts that I had struggled with previously, and to approach questions in a more strategic manner. Thank you Ms Foo!” ~ Claire Chua, NYJC

“As someone who had to learn Economics from scratch, Ms Foo has played an integral role in my success. Her lessons are beyond engaging and I will leave each lesson with my doubts cleared. In addition, her notes are short yet comprehensive which has allowed me to easily understand what was being taught.” ~ Khairil, Private Candidate

“Blessed to find a tutor who is the most sincere and engaging in her teaching! I had unimaginable improvements after coming here! Ms Foo and EconsLab is the best!” ~ Alya Afiqah, JPJC

“Ms Foo is very engaging and passionate in her teaching. She always ensures that we clarify our doubts and participate in her classes. She would also point out common mistakes and key areas to take note for our exams. She cares for her students and pushes us to do our best. I have really enjoyed and learnt alot from her lessons.” ~ Germaine Hor, TJC

“Ms Foo is an engaging and patient teacher who takes the time to clarify our doubts and solidify our concepts, and teaches us in a very clear and concise manner, while emphasizing important points and frequently giving us timely reminders on what to look out for during examinations such as common misconceptions and mistakes made by most candidates. She is caring and perceptive, encouraging us to perform better in every assessment, both verbally and by painstakingly writing personalized comments and advice for us for every script we submit. Very glad to have attended her lessons as I managed to improve significantly within just four months of joining!” ~ Tan Boon Leong, DHS

“Ms Foo gives highly detailed lessons and caters to her students learning needs. She takes time to clarify any of our doubts even after class. Thank you for helping me get an A for A Levels!” ~ Arienne Chua, RI

“Very effective tuition centre and engaging teaching methods! Helped me from a U grade to A in the A Levels within a few months!!” ~ Liang Jing Yu, YIJC

“Ms Foo is a really kind and effective Economics teacher that cares alot about her students. Her lessons are clear and she provides comprehensive answers to ensure we hit all the necessary points when answering exam questions. She ensures that our concepts are sound and she succeeds in addressing our weak points for the quickest and best improvement in Economics. If you want a great Economics tutor look no further!” ~ Cedric Koh, NYJC

“Great teacher and fun lessons” ~ Elliot Heng, YIJC

“Ms Foo is a super effective and engaging Economics tutor who is always really patient with her students. Despite attending the lessons online, the experience felt as though it was similar to that as it would be in-person, with how interactive Ms Foo is even with the online students, as she constantly invites us to answer questions and share our ideas with the rest of the class. I really appreciate the way she teaches students how to tackle all types of Economics questions, teaching us a systematic approach which is easy to apply across all the different Economics topics no matter how obscure the question may be along with this, each lesson felt very productive and meaningful with the way Ms Foo went through the content, bringing in real life examples to explain the theory to make it easier to digest, as well as going through numerous example questions per topic wherein students were always encouraged to participate, which gave me a much better understanding of how to go about attempting questions. Ms Foo also always been very willing to answer questions and provide individualized feedback outside of lessons, which allowed me to better understand my weakness and effectively use her advice to work on improving myself. The combination of all these things is what helped me improve my Economics grade quite significantly in just the span of J2 :) thank you Ms Foo!!” ~ Taniska Singh, RI

Interested in joining our tuition classes?

The following group tuition classes for 2023 are currently available for registration:

JC2, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 5.00pm to 7.00pm (Bugis + Online)

  • Thursday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 1.00pm to 3.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC2, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 11.00am to 12.30pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 6, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Saturday 2.00pm to 4.00pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm (Bugis + Online)

IB, Year 6, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Monday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Thursday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. Please refer to the fees page on the website www.econslab.com for more information. For group tuition (capped at 12 students max), it is $320 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (H2) and $280 for 4 lessons of 1.5 hours (H1). Sign up with friends to enjoy $20 discount off the first full month’s fees. Do let us know if you are keen but cannot find a suitable timing above. You may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149 for more details or to sign up.

Look forward to seeing you in class soon!

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Tan Shih Yi (Hwa Chong Institution)

I joined Ms Foo’s classes when I was in JC2, after not performing particularly well in JC1 (D in Midyear exam and C in Promos). I had always been disinterested in and not motivated to study Economics. I struggled as I did not know how to study Economics properly, had a shaky foundation in the subject, and was very unclear of answering techniques and exam tactics.

Over time, Ms Foo’s lessons became the most enjoyable and eye-opening Economics classes in my two years of JC. Her friendly disposition and accepting nature helped me feel more encouraged to work hard for Economics as she always believed in us and motivated us to improve.

Ms Foo is always extremely patient and clear in going through the details of the content. The small-group class setting makes learning more conducive as Ms Foo is able to cater to all students. After demonstrating the ways in which questions were to be answered, she provided us with many opportunities to apply our knowledge by allowing us to attempt to answer questions. She constantly encourages class participation, and I personally feel that it was only after I began to participate more actively when my understanding of Economics improved significantly. Her frequent reminder and advice greatly improved my answering skills and mastery of the content. Whenever I needed help in Economics outside of tuition class, Ms Foo was always open to providing assistance and explanations to my queries.

With Ms Foo’s dedication and guidance, I managed to score an A grade in the A Level Exam for H2 Economics. I am very thankful for her inspiring teaching and unwavering support and faith in me!

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GCE A Level Results 2023

Heartiest congratulations to our students who took the GCE A Level Economics exam in 2022!

Our students achieved excellent results - 60% scored As and Bs. In fact, is to be noted that 87% of our students in this cohort were consistently failing Economics with U or S grades prior to receiving tuition. Well done to our students - 95% of this cohort achieved at least 2-grades improvement and 70% achieved 4 to 6-grades improvement. We are very pleased with our students’ academic achievement.

Aside from our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo’s guidance, our students put in the effort to study and revise hence achieving the excellent result. We are very happy that our students’ effort paid off.

What do we provide to our students to help them achieve such good improvement?

✔ Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement

Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill

✔ Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well

Concise notes to help students with revision

As much as Ms Foo has been branded as a turnaround specialist with excellent track record, joining our tuition earlier definitely helps to relieve students of unnecessary stress and secure a higher chance of achieving greater improvement in their grades. Students who achieved at least 2-grades improvement, 76% of them attended our tuition for at least 6 months whereas the remaining 24% attended tuition between 3 to 6 months.

Take a look at what some of our graduates from our 2021 cohort said about tuition at EconsLab:

“Very detailed, tutor pays attention to all students and their weaknesses, Great for practising application of concepts and answering techniques.” ~ Chong Weng Kee, HCI

“Ms Foo is a patient and caring teacher who teaches Economics concepts in an engaging way. Her teaching style makes the content easy to understand, and has helped me to make significant improvements in Econs. :)” ~ Jynice Chua, EJC

“Ms Foo is patient and understanding, helped to make Economics much more organized and easier to understand.” ~ Evan Chew, SAJC

“Ms Foo makes her Economics lessons very engaging and is really willing to clarify all our doubts. During lesson she would make the effort to ensure that we all understand the concepts being taught and also patiently explain to us if we dont understand. Thanks to her I was able to improve in the subject and clinch an A for A Levels! Thank you Ms Foo!” ~ Melody Khoo, TMJC

“Ms Foo is a really patient teacher who always answer my questions with much clarity. The lessons are also really engaging which helped me stay focus and learn well!” ~ Amberlie Chng, ACJC

“Ms Foo has been a wonderful and patient teacher who would try her best to explain the concepts as well as possible to me, even if I still struggle with understanding some Economics concepts. Thank you so much for teaching me Economics, however short the time was, and your lessons have always been so enjoyable and fruitful!” ~ Kor Xuan, DHS

“Ms Foo is a wonderful Economics teacher who constantly goes the extra mile to help us understand our content and concepts! She is always so open to us asking her questions and she consistently guides us throughout our journey from J1 all the way to the A Levels. I couldnt ask for a better Economics teacher - thank you for everything Ms Foo!” ~ Khew Tung Chuan, RI

“Very effective teaching that allowed me to bridge the content of Economics and the writing techniques to score as many marks as possible in an exam.” ~ EJ, YIJC

“Ms Foo is a patient and accommodating teacher that helped me greatly in my preparation for A Levels! My grades gradually improved from a S to an A with aid from her lessons. :) Her meticulous and experienced approach to teaching helped me to figure out key concepts that I had struggled with previously, and to approach questions in a more strategic manner. Thank you Ms Foo!” ~ Claire Chua, NYJC

“As someone who had to learn Economics from scratch, Ms Foo has played an integral role in my success. Her lessons are beyond engaging and I will leave each lesson with my doubts cleared. In addition, her notes are short yet comprehensive which has allowed me to easily understand what was being taught.” ~ Khairil, Private Candidate

“Blessed to find a tutor who is the most sincere and engaging in her teaching! I had unimaginable improvements after coming here! Ms Foo and EconsLab is the best!” ~ Alya Afiqah, JPJC

“Ms Foo is very engaging and passionate in her teaching. She always ensures that we clarify our doubts and participate in her classes. She would also point out common mistakes and key areas to take note for our exams. She cares for her students and pushes us to do our best. I have really enjoyed and learnt alot from her lessons.” ~ Germaine Hor, TJC

“Ms Foo is an engaging and patient teacher who takes the time to clarify our doubts and solidify our concepts, and teaches us in a very clear and concise manner, while emphasizing important points and frequently giving us timely reminders on what to look out for during examinations such as common misconceptions and mistakes made by most candidates. She is caring and perceptive, encouraging us to perform better in every assessment, both verbally and by painstakingly writing personalized comments and advice for us for every script we submit. Very glad to have attended her lessons as I managed to improve significantly within just four months of joining!” ~ Tan Boon Leong, DHS

“Ms Foo gives highly detailed lessons and caters to her students learning needs. She takes time to clarify any of our doubts even after class. Thank you for helping me get an A for A Levels!” ~ Arienne Chua, RI

“Very effective tuition centre and engaging teaching methods! Helped me from a U grade to A in the A Levels within a few months!!” ~ Liang Jing Yu, YIJC

“Ms Foo is a really kind and effective Economics teacher that cares alot about her students. Her lessons are clear and she provides comprehensive answers to ensure we hit all the necessary points when answering exam questions. She ensures that our concepts are sound and she succeeds in addressing our weak points for the quickest and best improvement in Economics. If you want a great Economics tutor look no further!” ~ Cedric Koh, NYJC

“Great teacher and fun lessons” ~ Elliot Heng, YIJC

“Ms Foo is a super effective and engaging Economics tutor who is always really patient with her students. Despite attending the lessons online, the experience felt as though it was similar to that as it would be in-person, with how interactive Ms Foo is even with the online students, as she constantly invites us to answer questions and share our ideas with the rest of the class. I really appreciate the way she teaches students how to tackle all types of Economics questions, teaching us a systematic approach which is easy to apply across all the different Economics topics no matter how obscure the question may be along with this, each lesson felt very productive and meaningful with the way Ms Foo went through the content, bringing in real life examples to explain the theory to make it easier to digest, as well as going through numerous example questions per topic wherin students were always encouraged to participate, which gave me a much better understanding of how to go about attempting questions. Ms Foo also always been very willing to answer questions and provide individualized feedback outside of lessons, which allowed me to better understand my weakness and effectively use her advice to work on improving myself. The combination of all these things is what helped me improve my Economics grade quite significantly in just the span of J2 :) thank you Ms Foo!!” ~ Taniska Singh, RI

Interested in joining our tuition classes?

The following group tuition classes for 2023 are currently available for registration:

JC2, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Tuesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bukit Timah/Bugis)

  • Tuesday 6.30pm to 8.30pm (Bukit Timah)

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bugis + Online)

  • Thursday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 1.00pm to 3.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC2, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 11.00am to 12.30pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Tuesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm (Bukit Timah/Bugis)

  • Tuesday 6.30pm to 8.30pm (Bukit Timah/Bugis)

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bugis + Online)

  • Saturday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bugis + Online)

Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. Please refer to the fees page on the website www.econslab.com for more information. For group tuition (capped at 12 students max), it is $320 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (H2) and $280 for 4 lessons of 1.5 hours (H1). Sign up with friends to enjoy $20 discount off the first full month’s fees. Do let us know if you are keen but cannot find a suitable timing above. You may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149 for more details or to sign up.

Look forward to seeing you in class soon!

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IB Economics Exam Results 2023

Heartiest congratulations to our IB students who took the HL/SL Economics exam in 2022!

Our students achieved excellent results - with 100% of our students achieving the perfect grade 7 and 6! Out of which 60% of the students scored perfect 7 while 40% scored 6.

Aside from our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo’s guidance, our students put in the effort to study and revise hence achieving the excellent result. We are very happy that our students’ effort paid off.

What do we provide to our students to help them achieve the perfect 7?

Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement

Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill

Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well

Concise notes to help students with revision

Interested in joining our IB Economics tuition?

New classes could be formed from time to time with at least 2 students in a class. We are flexible with the lesson timing so long there is no clash to other classes’ timing. In fact, let us know if you do have any preferred tuition timing and we would do our best to arrange. If you cannot fit into the class timings stated below, we are open to discussion to open up new slots.

Small class size of up to maximum 12 students in a class. The following group tuition classes are currently available for registration:

IB, Year 6, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 2.00pm to 4.00pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 6, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Monday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 5, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. For group face-to-face tuition, it is $320 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (HL) and $280 for 4 lessons of 1.5 hours (SL). For more details or to sign up, you may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149.

Look forward to seeing you in class soon!

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Tan Yuan Yu (Nanyang Junior College ~ 2020)

Dear Ms Foo, thank you for your guidance and tutelage throughout the entire A Level journey! You never gave up on me and continued to spur me on through the last lap. I am very grateful for all the dedication you have put in - from readily answering my questions on Whatsapp to reviewing scripts to unpacking case studies. I would not have gotten an A grade in the final exams without your help! Thank you so much once again!

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Registration for JC and IB Economics Tuition Classes 2023

We are pleased to share the achievement of some of our JC and IB students who did well in their Prelims and Promotional Exams. Some students attained two to four grade improvement after starting tuition. Their diligence paid off!

The key to doing well in Economics is first to master the content well. Next is learning the exam techniques of question analysis and points development to ensure answers meet the question requirement. Lastly, it is through restructuring the answers to ensure arguments are presented coherently. Not forgetting to apply good time management to ensure the questions are completed with high accuracy within the time constraint.

Our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo reviews scripts for her students for her student’s school’s Prelims and Promotional exams. Ms Foo’s constructive feedback to her students’ work helps identify their blind spots and areas needed for improvement. Our students’ excellent results and testimonials speaks for itself. You may know some of our accomplished achievers (view from Results page).

At EconsLab, we provide all the help needed for our students to excel in Economics.

✔ Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement

Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill

✔ Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well

Concise notes to help students with revision

Our principal tutor Ms Foo is highly experienced and has been teaching Economics for over 18 years. Ms Foo has been placed in the Dean’s List for Masters in Economics. Her excellent track record and detailed teaching has won her many praises from her students past and present. Class size is kept small (up to 12 students per class) to allow for effective interaction among Ms Foo and her students. Learning Economics under Ms Foo is fun and enjoyable. Ms Foo always encourage her students to ask questions when in doubt. Afterall, there is no such thing as stupid or silly questions - students learn from the questions they ask.

The following group tuition classes are currently available for registration:

JC2, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online) - starting 7 Jan 2023

  • Sunday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online) - starting 8 Jan 2023

  • Sunday 1.00pm to 3.00pm (Bishan + Online) - starting 8 Jan 2023

JC2, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Saturday 11.00am to 12.30pm (Bishan + Online) - starting 7 Jan 2023

JC1, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Tuesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 5.30pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 9.00am to 11.00am (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 11.00am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 3.00pm to 5.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Tuesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 6, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online) - May 2023 exam

  • Saturday 2.00pm to 4.00pm (Bishan + Online) - starting 7 Jan 2023

IB, Year 5, HL (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Bishan + Online)

IB, Year 6, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Monday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Bishan + Online) - starting 9 Jan 2023

IB, Year 5, SL (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Monday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. Please refer to the fees page for more information. For group face-to-face tuition (capped at 12 students max), it is $320 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (H2) and $280 for 4 lessons of 1.5 hours (H1). You may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149 for more details or to sign up.

Look forward to seeing you in class soon!

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Economics Midyear Exam

It’s been some time since we do an update.

We are happy to see improvement in some students’ grades in the Midyear Exams despite the short span of time available to cover the syllabus content with question practices. We look forward to better results in the Prelims and Promotional exams which the students are currently sitting for.

Our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo reviews scripts for her students for her student’s school’s midyear exams. Ms Foo’s constructive feedback to her students’ work helps identify their blind spots and areas needed for improvement. Our students’ excellent results and testimonials speaks for itself. You may know some of our accomplished achievers (view from Results page).

The key to doing well in Economics is first to master the content well. Next is learning the exam techniques of question analysis and points development to ensure answers meet the question requirement. Lastly, it is through restructuring the answers to ensure arguments are presented coherently.

Counting down to the A Levels exams! Another wave of script review after Prelims for our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo thereafter. Giving our students the support needed in the last lap!

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Economics March Block Test

We are happy to see improvement in some students’ grades in the recent March Block Test despite the short span of time available to cover the syllabus content with question practices. Looking forward to even greater improvement in the upcoming Midyear exams.

Our Dean’s List star tutor Ms Foo reviews scripts for her students from our class practices, school’s block test, midyear exams and prelims. Ms Foo’s constructive feedback to her students’ work helps identify their blind spots and areas needed for improvement. Our students’ excellent results and testimonials speaks for itself. You may know some of our accomplished achievers (view from Results page).

At EconsLab, we provide all the help needed for our students to excel in Economics.

✔ Detailed lecture delivered to students for concept reinforcement

Class timed practice held from time to time to help assess students’ understanding of content and hone time management skill

✔ Skills mastery: answering techniques and question analysis taught to ensure correct application to question for relevance and to score well

Concise notes to help students with revision

Our principal tutor Ms Foo is highly experienced and has been teaching Economics for over 16 years. Ms Foo has been placed in the Dean’s List for Masters in Economics. Her excellent track record and detailed teaching has won her many praises from her students past and present. Class size is kept small (up to 10 students per class) to allow for effective interaction among Ms Foo and her students. Learning Economics under Ms Foo is fun and enjoyable. Ms Foo always encourage her students to ask questions when in doubt. Afterall, there is no such thing as stupid or silly questions - students learn from the questions they ask.

The key to doing well in Economics is first to master the content well. Next is learning the exam techniques of question analysis and points development to ensure answers meet the question requirement. Lastly, it is through restructuring the answers to ensure arguments are presented coherently. Do you need help in Economics? Sign up for our regular classes and Ms Foo will help you review your March Block Test scripts to identify your weaknesses and hence you can focus better on how to improve your grades.

The following group tuition classes are currently available for registration:

JC2, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Tuesday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Thursday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 9.30am to 11.30am (Bugis + Online)

  • Sunday 9.30am to 11.30am (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 1.00pm to 3.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC2, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Saturday 11.30am to 1.00pm (Bugis + Online)

  • Sunday 11.30am to 1.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H2 (4 sessions of 2hrs per month):

  • Saturday 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Sunday 3.00pm to 5.00pm (Bishan + Online)

JC1, H1 (4 sessions of 1.5hrs per month):

  • Thursday 7.30pm to 9.00pm (Bishan + Online)

  • Saturday 2.30pm to 4.00pm (Bishan + Online)

Our fees are affordable for the various tuition mode available. Please refer to the fees page. For group face-to-face tuition (capped at 10 students max), it is $320 for 4 lessons of 2 hours (H2) and $280 for 4 lessons of 1.5 hours (H1). You may text/Whatsapp Ms Foo at 9723 5149 for more details or to sign up.

Look forward to seeing you in class soon!

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Nathanael Tong (River Valley High School)

Ms Foo’s H2 Economics tuition lessons were of tremendous help to me when I first started in June of JC2. With her meticulous explanations on Economics concepts and her patience to answer any of my misconceptions about the subject, I was able to better tackle challenging Economics questions and apply the concepts taught in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics more fluently. Under her guidance and tutelage, my Economics grade improved by 3 grades from Mid-year to Prelims! Ms Foo has also been nothing short of accommodating towards her tutees, even willingly extending her lessons so my friends and I could clarify any burning questions that we had at no extra cost, despite her busy schedule. Her ability to explain complex Economics theories in simple bite-sized chunks, as well as her passion and drive to help her students is what eventually enabled me to attain my A grade in H2 Economics in the GCE A Level exams. Thank you Ms Foo!

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econslabEconsLab Tuition
Swarna (Raffles Institution)

It has been a pleasure being Ms Foo’s student and learning Economics from her. She displays immense enthusiasm and passion towards Economics, treating it not just as a school subject, but as a real life application based topic. Ms Foo is an observant person who can immediately spot changes in the behaviour of her students and always checks up on them to make sure that they are alright. She has always looked out for us and cared for our well-being at all times. During lessons, she supplements her explanations with various real-life examples and does not hesitate to pause and clarify any doubts we may have. She is very patient and tolerant, ready to answer any query and explain till we understand. She gives us a variety of unique and challenging questions to practise and discuss so as to broaden our exposure to the topics at hand. Her happiness during the lesson is infectious, making us excited and eager to learn and pay attention in class. Economics lessons have been a memorable experience and I am glad to have been taught by Ms Foo, securing an A grade in the A Level exam!

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Evangeline Foo (Singapore Sports School)

Ms Foo is an ambitious yet approachable teacher. She is highly invested in nurturing students’ Economics skills. Prior to attending her classes, I struggled to grasp the structure of writing essays and answering short structured questions. However, with Ms Foo’s guidance, I was able to learn effective techniques to answer questions. This ultimately resulted me achieving a perfect 7 for HL Economics.

On top of that, I would like to thank Ms Foo for being ever so accommodating to my schedule and learning style. Being a student athlete, my schedule at times was tight, but Ms Foo always ensures that I am able to attend lessons whether it be in person or online. Also being an introvert, Ms Foo constantly finds ways to engage me in class, encouraging me to be more vocal so as to not impede my learning.

I would be forever appreciative towards Ms Foo for her tutoring not only in Economics but also as a learner.

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