Cloue Maximillien (Hwa Chong Institution)

Ms Foo taught me for just over 6 months, in which time, my grades in H2 Economics jumped from an E for my March Common Test to an A in the GCE A Levels.

Ms Foo is caring and diligent, often taking time out of her busy schedule to reply our queries on Whatsapp or mark assignments done during lessons, going the extra mile to make sure we are all prepared for our examinations. Her holiday crash courses also allows us to brush up on topics we are weaker at and refine our skills for our stronger topics. The small class size enables her to care for the needs of all students, often stopping to quiz us, ensuring we digest what is being taught during lessons.

The extra attention that Ms Foo pays us to guarantee we understand the topics is really what makes the difference, and is what makes her a truly great teacher!