Encouragement to student for excellent results

It's amazing that our students showed such impressive results in a short span of time!

Sharing an example. William Rachmadi joined EconsLab in mid April for JC1 H2 Economics group tuition and did well in just 1 month into the programme. William scored 55/100 in his school's Mid Year exam which is equivalent to a C grade where the cohort's standard is much lower. He scored a decent 18/25 in his Common Test. Considering that he couldn't finish answering the questions in both exams, he could have done much better. Time practice in class would help him overcome his issue with time management. 

Nevertheless, good job William ! And so there's a little treat for William to enjoy - Swensen's vouchers. Please keep up the good work as Promotional Exam is just almost a month away. 

Reviewing of students' assignments and exam scripts is essential to identify students' weakness be it conceptual error, wrong structuring of answers, gaps in content knowledge etc. What is more important after identifying the problem is to learn from mistakes and apply the correct techniques to answering questions and strengthening content knowledge. 

Students are guided through essays and CSQs practice in class. Recent topics discussed include the following:

What differentiates a natural monopoly from an artificial monopoly? And how policies to regulate both monopolies differ? 

How income inequality leads to market failure? And what are the measures implemented by the Singapore government to deal with this source of market failure?

Is it too late to prepare for Promotional Exam? It is better late than never. Taking a more long term view, it would be advisable to close knowledge gap for JC1 topics before moving on to JC2 next year. 


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